Our mission is to foster a love of pickleball in our community through social events, clinics, and tournaments. All the while raising money for new Pickleball courts!

Auburn Pickleball Club

Welcome to Auburn Pickleball Club

About Us

At Auburn Pickleball Club, we're not just about hitting balls over the net - we're about building connections, promoting health and fitness, and giving back to our beloved Auburn community. As a registered non-profit organization, Friend’s of Auburn Area Parks and Recreation 501(c)3 through ARD. Every dollar you invest in our club goes directly towards expanding Pickleball facilities and maintenance.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to create a vibrant, inclusive, and active Pickleball community right here in Auburn, California. Through spirited play and camaraderie, we aim to foster a love for the game and a sense of belonging among our members. all the while, raising money for more courts.

What We Offer

  • Free Clinics and Kids Camps: We're passionate about spreading the joy of Pickleball to all ages and skill levels. Our experienced teaching pro, John Hendrickson will be giving group and private lessons and our volunteers will be conducting clinics and fun-filled kids camps, introducing the game to the next generation of players.

  • Social and Competitive Play: Whether you're a seasoned pro or just picking up a paddle for the first time, our club offers a range of opportunities to get involved. From friendly social matches to competitive tournaments, there's something for everyone.

  • Investing in Our Community: Every membership and event participation directly contributes to the growth and maintenance of our Pickleball facilities. We're dedicated to adding new courts and ensuring our current ones are kept in top-notch condition.

Get Involved

Joining the Auburn Pickleball Club is not just about playing a game; it's about becoming part of a community. By investing in our membership, you're not only gaining access to our events and facilities, but you're also supporting the ongoing development of Pickleball in Auburn.

Visit Us

Explore our website at auburnpickleballclub.org for information on court availability, upcoming events, and how to become a member. We can't wait to welcome you to the court!

Auburn California Pickleball Club

Join the Pickleball Craze with Us!